Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trial Run

For years I've been wanting to remember to journal at least once a week. It shouldn't be that hard- I have plenty on my mind. I read too much and feel too strongly about what I read to not have something to say.

Despite this, I never end up journaling as often as I'd like, because life gets in the way. Recently it was Thanksgiving- so much prep work, even for the non-hosting vegetarians. Then it was leaving my job and starting a new one. Did I mention I'm buying a house? And then Christmas. Finally time to breathe, just in time for our New Year's Party.

New Year's is just a few days a way and then I leave for Florida. After that, I will close on the house and be moving. You get the idea. There's never time to write. But, there's no time to keep putting it off.

So I created a blogger account, and here I am, writing the most dry blog entry ever. You gotta start somewhere, right?

Last night I went to AIR- Albany's indoor rock gym. It's not my gym, it's more of a bouldering gym, I'm a climber. My gym is Electric City, in Schenectady. And my gym is closed. Which means my climbing life has come to a rather abrupt slow down as it's gotten colder out. My climbing partner, Rachel, and I made the most of the outdoors over the summer, but as the sun went down earlier and earlier and it just got colder and colder, we caved and went to AIR.

If you're boulderer, I'm sure AIR is great, but it's just not my thing. If I miss a move, I end up on the floor and walk away. When I'm climbing on a rope, 20 feet in the air, I'm not coming down till my belayer lets me down- which is not till I at least put in some effort.

Anyway, we went last night- it's so different from E-City. You're supposed to sign in. Really? Bizarre. We worked though, I am very sore this morning and made some progress on a bouldering problem that wraps around the gym. It's a good thing that I worked as hard as I did- Rachel also brought me homemade chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips. I should mention here, I don't really like chocolate. I should also mention that Rachel's not just my climbing partner, she's a really good friend. :)

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